This recipe is a very comforting one. Pasta e Fagioli is a very traditional recipe eaten often in Italian households all over the country because it is simple to make and nutritious. Everyone has their version, so I hope you enjoy mine. The name ‘pasta e fagioli’ literally translates to... pasta and beans, which in all fairness is the essence of the dish. From that base I like to add some depth of flavor with cured pancetta, tomato sauce and herbs. I learned from my grandmother and mother to cook with simplicity, this dish is a perfect example of this kind of cooking. The list of ingredients is not long but every one is fundamental to the final flavor, like in most Italian meals. The resulting dish is filling but in a way that makes you feel warm, like a hug in a bowl.

Love, Giulia

Cooking Pasta Like an Italian

● Check packaging instructions for proper cooking time and water amount
● Bring water to a rolling boil
● Add 1 tablespoon of salt, or as desired
● Cook pasta on high heat, stirring occasionally
● Test for al dente texture, drain, and enjoy!
● Do not overcook! For this recipe, only cook pasta for half the cooking time on the box. Finish cooking in the pot with tomatoes and beans
● Do not rinse cooked pasta

Pasta e Fagioli



  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil
  2. Heat another pot on medium high heat and cook the pancetta (dicing it before if it not already diced when purchased) with no oil until its fat has rendered and it has browned slightly.
  3. Finely dice the onion, carrot, and celery. Then add to the same pot and cook until softened.
  4. Add the herbs and stir a few times, then add a ¼ cup of white wine. Cook on high heat until the wine reduces and no longer smells strongly of alcohol.
  5. Add the diced tomatoes along with salt, pepper, and a cup of water. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes. If the sauce reduces too much, add more water.
  6. Add the beans and let simmer for another 5 minutes.
  7. While the sauce finishes simmering, the pasta water should be boiling. Salt it and add the pasta. Cook pasta for half of the cooking time on the box, saving 2 cups of pasta water.
  8. Drain the pasta and add directly to the sauce, along with the reserved pasta water. Simmer for the remainder of the pasta’s cooking time, stirring regularly to avoid any pasta sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  9. While simmering, the consistency of the dish can be adjusted to your preference. For a more soup-like finish, simply add more water while cooking, and adjust the salt. If instead you prefer a thicker more pasta-like finish, then the two cups of pasta water should suffice, only adding more water if the pasta is excessively sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  10. Once the pasta is fully cooked, add the olive oil and stir to combine. Serve immediately with an additional olive oil drizzle.