Our Whole Wheat Einkorn Garlic Knots are soft, with a delicious chewy crust brushed with warm garlic butter. This classic pizzeria snack is made with whole wheat einkorn flour...,giving them a delicious chewy texture. Consider whipping some of these up as a side to dip in marinara sauce!

Einkorn Flour Baking Tips

● While we offer the cup measurements alongside grams, you’re better off weighing your ingredients using a scale if you want the best accuracy.
● Einkorn dough will be more wet and sticky than you might expect, but have patience and trust the flour measurements, even if the dough seems more like a thick batter at first.
● When substituting whole wheat einkorn for all-purpose einkorn, make sure to weigh a cup of whole wheat flour at 96 grams and increase the liquid by 5%. The added bran and fiber in whole wheat flour differs in density and absorbs more liquid than the all-purpose flour.

Why jovial Einkorn Whole Wheat Flour?

Einkorn flour is fast becoming the flour of choice for those with gluten sensitivities because of its weak gluten. Jovial Whole Wheat Einkorn Flour is 100% of the freshly milled Einkorn grain. This nutritious organic flour is packed with protein, B vitamins, carotenoids, and essential & trace minerals.

Makes 8 Garlic Knots

Garlic Knots Recipe with Whole Grain Einkorn Flour